27 November 2012



[Shot 14]

*As Mitch enters room after opening the door*

[Shot 15]

Mitch: You got the blueprints man?

Donny: Yeah got them, phones & watches just left to sync, [Shot 16] this school won’t know what hit them. How long until Lewis lets us know?

[Shot 17]

Mitch: [Confident] Chill mate, not long, we’ve got this but there’s this -

Donny: [Curious] What?

Mitch: Well - Lewis isn’t certain that the security & teachers are gonna be leaving for the big assembly.

[Shot 18]

Donny: [Curious] Then what are we gonna do?

*Mitch takes phone out of his pocket*

[Shot 19]

Mitch:  Lewis? Yeah

[Shot 20]

*Shots of students walking as well as hanging around entrance of school site, clearly susceptible to what is happening*

[Shot 21]

Mitch: Ok, see you there. [Shot 22] Lewis said we’ve only got 10 mins because the assembly is not as long as expected so we’ve gotta get a move on, but we’ve gotta keep our heads down Donny, come on let’s go!

Donny:  [Perturbed] *sighs* Sure

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